Friday, August 12, 2022

Soiled It

 Yeah, I already changed something and need to re-share the graphic. Tap to enlarge.

I swapped Concept to Law while I had the chance. The Archons had a redundant section cut out and are left with Name - Title (if applicable) and Domains. The major change is that Aowar's children are no longer Fauna, Flora, and Fungi, but Flesh, Blood, and Bone (which is a reversion to an earlier idea, but expanded upon.)

By Flesh, I don't mean only skin. Jarn, formerly Fauna, will preside over Flesh, Muscles, Strength, Organs, Leaves, Bark, Fruits, Produce, Fungi, a.o. If it's biomass that isn't hard or fluid, it's Jarn's domain. Speaking of, Blood isn't only that, but reigns over blood, saliva, taste, mucus, phlegm, excretion, semen, amniotic fluid, pus, sap, juices, a.o. 

You may point out, "There's already an Archon for saliva. You called It odd and brought up the Roman god of mildew." Yeah, well, Aowar won custody of that one and gave It more things to rule over. Ividnon's children are now Oceans & Seas (Shamaal), Ice, and Freshwaters (Rivers, Lakes, Springs, Ponds, Bayous, Swamps, you name it.)

Anyways, Bone is, of course, not only Bone, but also wood, teeth, shells, exoskeletons, fossils, horns and antlers, beaks, any part of an animal that's considered hard and be left over after the body decays (or take much longer than the rest, in case of woods.)

Oh, Birth got a name. I found an old document with names I wanted to use, and the only really good one was Enandurai. It fit a few of them, I thought, but we went with Birth. That's one less name to come up with. Probably just over twenty to go, still, along with around thirty titles to give out to make them sound holier than thou. (Although, there isn't much joy to be had from being called the Eulogist.)

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